Fruits and Flowers

Top health benefits of nutritious apple

Apple also called Malus domestica is a nutritious, tasty and healthy fruit which originated in the mountains of Kazakhstan. The apple tree belongs to the rosaceae family and the tress is not so much tall, but medium sized. The apple fruit is rich with vitamins and phyto nutrients that are very much essential for a good and healthy diet. The oval shaped reddish colored fruit with creamish inside pulp is as tasty as any other sweetest fruit in the world. It is used for many food products such as jelly, desert, and baking recipes.
As a nutritional fruit, it has very good health benefits. The health benefits of apple are immense and it is known as a vitamin A rich fruit.  It is rightly said that, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” The apple health benefits are:  

  •   Very much low in calories, apples are very much helpful in absorption of dietary LDL cholesterol in the guts of the human body. As it is rich in dietary fiber, it helps in colon mucous membrane to be protected from toxic substances preventing formation of cancer cells in the colon.Read more on this post.         

For Good Nutrition, Pineapple Helps 


For good nutrition pineapple is a good choice. This article looks at the nutritional value, as well as the medicinal benefits.
Pineapples are low in calories and high in nutritional value. A one cup serving contains only about 80 calories, but provides all of the vitamin C that a person needs every day, plus some.
It is also a significant source of potassium, folate, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, niacin and zinc. Last but not least, it contains a unique dietary enzyme called bromelain.
The medicinal uses of bromelain have been known in the US since at least 1957. In other parts of the world, people have used pineapple for centuries as a natural remedy for a variety of different health problems.

It was used historically as a treatment for burns. Proprietary mixtures containing it are used today as third degree burn treatments.

The most common use of bromelain is for digestive ailments. It provides relief from constipation, without having a laxative effect.
Research has shown that bromelain has anti-inflammatory activity. A 200mg dose is a safe alternative to anti-inflammatory drugs for most people.
For improving any dish's nutrition, pineapple can be added. It works well with meats. The bromelain found in fresh pineapples acts as a natural meat tenderizer.Read more on this post

Benefits of coconut and coconut water for human health.

Coconut or Cocos nucifera (scientific name) is a nutritious and healthy source of milk, juice and food items. Coconuts are rich in fiber and have a great potential to act as a medicine for variety of health problems. Since the old times, coconut and coconut products have been the major diet for the island people all over the world. Besides the coconut fiber nutritional facts, the coconut oil specially possesses great rich nutritional as well as healing properties than any other vegetable oil existing on the planet.

As for health benefits of coconut, the possibilities are huge. It is called “The tree of life” by the island people, because of the fact that it produces immense food and other benefits to the people. Coconut has made its way in the books of local and traditional medicine, as it has been found effective in many dietary as well as severe health problems. The coconut fiber and oil acts as an isotonic beverage and helps the body temperature keep cool in a balanced specific temperature. It has been found effective all over the world and has been used in traditional and modern medicines quite regularly. Read more on this post

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